Saturday, September 7, 2013

URGENT WW3 UPDATE - British And Syrian Fighter Jets Clash Near Cyprus!!

URGENT WW3 UPDATE - British And Syrian Fighter Jets Clash Near Cyprus!!

They are getting ready to crash all the currencies of the world. What happened in Cypress was only the beginning its called Dis- annulment of wealth, on the all middle tiers, they will have even China in Debt!!!!!!!! The problem is is that the Chinese, the Russians,will think they are getting at the Globbs istas by trying to take out the US...... Hopefully the Chinese and the Russians are wiser than this and go after the secret society devil worshipin Rotten Roter Rootin Fuggershister Butt Pirates.


  1. you see us he mentions the word like is (us you and I) but is basically the tv and the newswomen! main media operates as one action reaction method, meaning the purpose is your mind so, you react as a patriot because is US meaning, you and your friends( while in reality is just the tube).

  2. you regularly post here, try putting sentences into some sort of context that make your comments exhibit at least an element of making a modicum of sense....otherwise your thoughts come across as just plain dribble! However thanks for attempting to participate, as even your feeble input is more than most of the masses will attempt!!
