Monday, October 14, 2013

AMERICA DEFAULTING ~ US default would be a catastrophic event for Global Economy

The winner will be Europe. A collapse of the US would force Europe to accelerate the process of integration to become one united entity simply because someone would have to fill that power vacuum on the geostrategic map and Europe is the only candidate. In comparison China would be too small and too weak to replace the US. We will see a power shift from the US back to Europe in the coming years. Everything goes according to plan

In just 3 days, the US will be forced to make a decision that will affect the entire global economy. If lawmakers don't find a way to re-open the frozen government, and then agree to raise the national debt ceiling, if that happens, the shock would be felt well beyond its own borders. For more on the potential price of this political stalemate in the US and its effect on the global economy, RT is joined by economist Peter Westin.


  1. nothing will happen in fact default is the end of the casino! financial casino, those that play on it, have lost most of their gambling gains. the chairs have move!... as a central currency to maintain order the BREN, 25% silver is the answer, currency is back by gold and energy value!! the casino is no longer a playground, as a consequence no more waste of human resources on wars, main feature of the financial casino. and the worlds 99% will be better off, as that will create a bit of more harmony and understanding. having the alternative media the main voice of reason ! and "bitcoin" the innovative currency. ..


  2. Could the Hegelian Dialectic be at the basis of this?..
    Me thinks, "quite possibly" !

    This could be the catalyst or a similar one to occur later in the yr or early next yr which will prompt the colluding IMFand FR to implement a globalized digital system backed
    by a Mega Trillion or even QUADRILLION dollar bond collateralized by US govt land, commodities, &/or global carbon tax.
