Tuesday, October 1, 2013

EXPOSED Al Qaeda Leader In Syria Photographed in a US Aid tent

EXPOSED Al Qaeda Leader In Syria Photographed in a US Aid tent

Quoting the words of a great master of Freemasonry;
"-The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he can not believe he exists.'S Minds of Americans simply do not come to a conclusion of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. Yet rejects the hypothesis that humans can embrace a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent "J. Edgar Hoover


  1. warning to OBAMA:!!! you the president are not the american people you represent, "the american people" you represent the american folks, (same for any other pseudo-democratic nation) however, citizens they do not agreed with more wars, israeli wars, AIPAC, ISRAELI-- lobby, so reason why impeachment is still on the table, a president follows his citizens will that is why he represents the american people, he does not go against his own nation neither his own people will.!!!!! not to follow BIBI or AIPAC.. is what the american NATION wants and needs.. no more wars for israel, is over...the game has reached its conclusion..

  2. Gee we bomb terrorist in Pakistan killing multiple citizens that are non terrorists but in another country we pay them to fight and arm them to boot. It is a mad mad world.
