Thursday, October 10, 2013

The NSA has gotten out of Control ~ Bruce Schneier

Security technologist Bruce Schneier has spent hours combing the data released by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden to see how the NSA goes about surveilling the mass network of computers we know as the Internet. Snowden's leaks have brought the agency's practices to the forefront of the public's eye, and Schneier joins us with more on what he's looking for in the NSA leaks.

1 comment:

  1. The dystopian fantasies of yesteryear are now a reality. We’ve allowed the coming of an age where the civil liberties our forefathers fought so hard for are being eroded by the day. Freedom of Press, Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly are mere ghostly images of their original intent. We’ve woken up to an Orwellian Society of Fear where anyone is at the mercy of being labeled a terrorist for standing up for rights we took for granted just over a decade ago. Read about how we’re waging war against ourselves at
