Friday, November 29, 2013

Coast To Coast AM Alternative - 29 November 2013 - Current World Events

This is a gap filler that is why I put DARK MATTER ALTERNATIVE on the thumbnail something for you to listen to while waiting for Art Bell to return to air, hopefully Sirius will let him out of his contract and he can resume broadcasting soon.

Coast to Coast AM ALT Date:29 Nov 2013
Coast to Coast AM ALT Host:Doug Hagmann
Coast to Coast AM ALT This Week Guests:
Coast to Coast AM ALT Topic:Current World Events

Coast To Coast AM Alternative Dark Matter Alternative Radio Broadcast 

1 comment:

  1. the saudi kingdom is collapsing, the rulers, the people are somewhat confuse, china has nothing to do with all this, walmart just use chinese cheap labor, cheap labor is over. Obama understands now the arab spring which is nothing more than a global spring. however how to control all this is becoming complicated, not even the NSA understand the situation! this gives the idea that something is not working as expected, the cause is probably banks and their behaviour, but do not discard anything else!! BAnkers financiers and bourgeoisie, what they think you are 99% poor, for them you are an idiot, the 99% idiots, brainwash idiots, however for some reason the brainwashing is disappearing and as most say people are waking up. will they be humans or zombies, that is what we should look forward to understand as zombies is a bad deal.
