Showing posts with label Chemtrails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chemtrails. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chemtrails - Coast to Coast AM 9 14 2013

John B. Wells shared news issues of the day and hosted a night of Open Lines, with a listener focus on chemtrails. John in Wilmington, North Carolina, reported on heavy chemtrail activity in his area. "We seem to be getting hammered... all day, every day and it's been going on for months," he said, lamenting how the famous North Carolina blue sky has turned into a baby blue/milky white color. John also pondered the possible composition of these airborne trails. John B. interjected with his own story of witnessing chemtrail activity over Pasadena, California, and finding "white goo" on his windshield that was difficult to clean.
Lynn described seeing chemtrail patterns in the skies above Orange County, California, and suggested the aerial phenomenon was somehow connected to the unusual heat wave that hit her region as well as the massive flooding in Colorado. The chemtrail conversation continued with Barry in South Carolina, who recalled watching "a stream of chemicals or some kind of fluid" coming out of the back of a plane he saw flying overhead. The stream was coming from the back of the plane, not out of the engines, he remembered. Barry said he observed a strange film on his home's decking afterward and would be collecting samples for testing.
Scott told John B. about chemtrail spraying his family has witnessed over the Missouri Ozarks for the past two years. According to Scott, whenever heavy chemtrail patterns appear in the sky it rains within 36 hours. He said the town in this area, Warrensburg, has experienced greater weather extremes than any other U.S. city. A caller named Wendy shared an account of another kind of unusual aerial activity in her region. Apparently, flocks of geese numbering in the thousands have begun flying south already. Wendy wondered if the birds knew something that we should also know. Wendy also recounted the time she heard the barking sounds of her deceased dog.