Showing posts with label Dollar Devaluation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dollar Devaluation. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Official Dollar Devaluation By End of 2010 reports Bob Chapman

25_11_09_Bob Chapman reports that his source at the top of the banking industry has told him that 2000+ banks are in imminent danger of collapse, the FDIC will be closed or collapsed by Sep 2010 or year end and official devaluation will happen by the end of 2010. The source has been queried about making room for a new currency.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bob Chapman: Dollar Devaluation between September and December of 2010

12-07-09: Bob Chapman says that a source told him they expect an official US Dollar devaluation between September and December of 2010. Will it happen? Who knows. But I follow Bob enough that I believe he was legitimately told this by someone who he considers "inside." We will see I guess.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bob Chapman: 2035 Banks in Serious Danger, FDIC to End, Dollar Devaluation by 2010

A piece of Bob Chapman's latest interview 11-25-09.

2035 banks are in immanent danger, not 552
FDIC to be officially ended by end of this year, or by end of 2010
Banks told to make room for new currency, and dollar devalued by end of 2010