Showing posts with label Financial Survival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial Survival. Show all posts

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival 19 Sept 2011

Bob Chapman :  the situation in Europe is upside down , Gold will probably recover from here , the German people are furious they are sick and tired of supporting everybody ....Greece made a deal with Israel , the tension between Greece and Turkey are arising over offshore oil drilling , Bob Chapman also explains that we can have hyperinflation and deflation simultaneously ... Bob Chapman also calls for an NFL boycott ,

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival 01 Aug 2011

Bob Chapman - The United States Government could not allow the Gold and Silver to go up , the government tried 5 times today to knock gold and silver down , how the people ever allow these things to happen we have a fascist corporatist dictatorial government and there are no political parties they are gangs of crooks paid by other gangs of crooks

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival - 27 July 2011

Bob Chapman : there was an attack on gold and silver by the government today , but they were stopped on their tracks
the people behind the government Wall street the bankers etc they desperately need this deal to pass on the extension of debt , what they are trying to do here is to terrify the congress they might take the market down they try to create a lesson to people you do what we tell you to do , that's why you should be in Gold and Silver they can manipulate it for a day two or three not anymore ....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Financial Survival 13 June 2011

Bob Chapman : ..when silver came down from 50 dollars , JP Morgan Chase , HSBC and others they did not cover their shorts they put on more another ten million ounces short ....when you have a corporate fascist government you have to expect this says Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster, in Washington and Wall street nobody cares ..

Interview starts @3:18.