Showing posts with label RBN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RBN. Show all posts

Saturday, January 9, 2010

John Stadtmiller Bob Chapman Robbie Noel Weekly Financial Round table 05 January 2010

John hosts a Financial Round table with Bob Chapman and Robbie Noel every Tuesday. Some say it is the best two hours in radio.

John is on the Republic Broadcasting Network. John is said to be the founder of GCN as well as RBN. John mentioned he has been on the air for 17 years.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Illegal Immigrant leaving America Bob Chapman on the Illegal aliens problem RBN 05 January 2010

Today's episode is mostly about Immigration , illegal aliens the Obama amnesty , racial tensions the bankers ...Bob Chapman also speaks about the Ukraine George Soros funded revolutions all over eastern Europe the country of Ukraine is broke living off the money of the IMF , all eastern Europe is in a mess says Robert Chapman ....

Bob Chapman is a 74 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.
Bob Chapman also known as The International Forecaster was the largest gold and silver stock broker in the world for 28 years was a trader for 25 years , He owned his own Brockerage Firm for 18 years

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

If Ron Paul Bill Becomes law Gold will reach $2500 an ounce : Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman on RBN 22 December 2009

Citibank and Goldman Sachs are shorting gold to see far it will go down , problems in Greece and Spain , gold coins with UN logo , future world currency dollar devaluation , debt settlement between nations , TARP , next stimulus package , many states California and Michigan on top of the list are running out of unemployment money and forced to borrow it ...and many more topics

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bob Chapman Stocks Market Gold Politics H1N1

Bob Chapman on RBN 03 Nov 2009

Tags : Technical Analysis Charts Gold Stocks China Deflation Reflation Commodities Jim Willie Treasuries Dollar Energy Economy Marc Faber Japan Asia american armageddon CFR cnn crisis financial nwo peter rogers schiff silver wallstreet dow emini forex futures jones live nasdaq oscar trading with ron paul david tice lateline australia fiat amero new currency standard bretton woods zeitgeist addendum market crash bank collapse department depression derivitive economic endlessmountain fdic federal george4title great holiday house manoftruth mccain meltdown nuclear obama october palin reserve revolution senate treasury visionvictory youchooseaside Inflation Newsroom DTOM video,day traders,traders, swing traders,finance,investor,banks,market news, traders,investors,stock market,technical analysis,technical levels,oil, Gerald Celente Glenn Beck Dave Ramsey Chris Martenson Precious Metals Merrill Lynch Skarica GATA Bill Murphy CNBC Reports Barack Hyperinflation Najarian Adrian Douglas WallStreetCheatSheet Damien Hoffman Alternative Medical Puru Saxena, Energy, Natural Gas, Gold, Commodities, Guppy, alan alex bailout ben bernanke bob bullion chapman coin comex credit goldman greenspan herbert IMF jp keiser larouche lindsey LTCM maloney manipulation max michael morgan Moriarty rockefeller rothschild sachs stacy wearechange weimar williams Bear Bloomberg money Stearn economist estate housing mortgage real subprime builders euro home Investing Soros yen yuan box bubble. crunch foreign squawk angelpub buillion goldworld mccoach palladium platinum mining peak profit wealth commentary prices chinese Agoracom PDAC 2008 Cooper Das Krista recession todays S&P Capital capitalgoldgroup Food Shortage The commodties copper hommel jason lead nickel stockreport uranium zinc explore micro mine penny pink tedsaidit terbo Bundchen falling Gisele north union bearish nation bankers international fournerat investments l4anyrat lane lanevids bush clinton election hillary irs vote