Monday, July 20, 2009

Own a House for hundred bucks !!!

House raffled off for $100 a ticket

a bad housing market forced a man to get creative , this is the most unuusal fund rase but could turn out to be a win win solution
House raffled off for $100 a ticket « Less

Business, housing house sale Local News, News, Real Estate, Real Estate, Shopping & Commerce

Position limits on Silver will trigger a price explosion Ted Butler

Silver Manipulation Might Be Coming To An End Ted Butler

Ted Butler on the weekly metals wrap on King World News dated July 17th, 2009. Ted Butler talks about how the CFTC and it's new chairman Gary Gensler is seriously investigating the manipulation in the silver markets.Teds work is followed by many institutions, such as Sprott Asset Management and PFS Group. He has researched the commodity markets actively for 3 decades. Internationally well known for his writings on silver, gold, commodities and the COT (commitment of traders) report. In this interview Ted discusses the gold and silver markets and the underlying commitment of traders report.
gold silver bullion investment precious metals store coinsted butler market manipulation CTFC peter schiff King world news jim rogers ron paul gerald celente economy depression recession dollar devaluation commodities stock crash federal reserve silver gold ted butler manipulation gata cftc jp morgan goldman sachs max keiser chapman hyperinflation inflation fed audit ron paul peter schiff

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bob Chapman on GoldMan Sachs Massive Profits

Goldman Sachs Raking in Massive Profits

Bob Chapman
Market Review
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Due to the fact that Goldman Sachs is currently the favorite of Washington they are raking in massive profits during a time when most banks and brokerage firms are struggling for survival.

Due to a very successful second quarter, Goldman has set aside $226,156 per employee in compensation – a 75% increase per employee. That means annualized compensation could be $1 million per employee for the year. We find this of great interest inasmuch as the recently converted bank received a $10 billion taxpayer bailout via Goldman’s connections in Washington. They also received a myriad of benefits from several other government schemes over the past two years. It is nice to know that in part American taxpayers made this possible while unemployment is running on a U6 basis at 20.5%, and Americans are losing their homes by the millions.

Pay surged 75% in the second quarter and compensation and benefits costs were $6.65 billion, up 37% from the equivalent quarter in 2008.

The immense profits of 33% were mainly due to trading profits of $2.7 billion. Goldman made up 24% of the Black Box program. Program trading made up 73% of all NYSE trading.

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