Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Blanch Says Oil, Base Metals to Rise Gold to Struggle

Dec. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Francisco Blanch, global head of commodities research at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, talks with Bloomberg's Rishaad Salamat about the outlook for 2010. Speaking in London, Blanch discusses base metals, energy, gold and agricultural commodities.

Shrinking Consumer Credit Threatens Holiday Retail Sales

Dec. 23 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. retailers may lose almost $9 billion in holiday sales as banks rein in lending to cash-strapped consumers before a new credit-card law takes effect. The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act, which goes into effect in February, bans the practice of raising interest rates based on a missed payment with another lender. Bloomberg's Monica Bertran reports. (Source: Bloomberg)

If Ron Paul Bill Becomes law Gold will reach $2500 an ounce : Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman on RBN 22 December 2009

Citibank and Goldman Sachs are shorting gold to see far it will go down , problems in Greece and Spain , gold coins with UN logo , future world currency dollar devaluation , debt settlement between nations , TARP , next stimulus package , many states California and Michigan on top of the list are running out of unemployment money and forced to borrow it ...and many more topics