Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sound Money vs. Fiat Money -Bob Chapman Economics 101

Bob Chapman on the Corbett Report

Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster joins us to discuss sound money and fiat money. We discuss the gold standard, why it was dropped by Nixon, and the current Federal Reserve fiat system.

Inflationary Holocaust Huge demand for Silver & Gold

Silver has risen over 52% since last year's low.

It's up 10% in just the past week!

Are you missing out on a great little
business that helps you accumulate real
silver coins?

Every economic cloud has a silver lining.

The silver business is booming during these
crazy times.

Get silver while you can. There is very
little in the world. Gold is 5 times more
plentiful than silver. You'd think silver
should be worth MORE than gold.

Friday, December 25, 2009

David Morgan Silver MUCH HIGHER in 2010

Silver MUCH HIGHER in 2010 --- David Morgan

World reknown silver market advisor David Morgan on december 2009