Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Oil News: BP Swings to a Profit, Exxon Upgraded

BP (BP) said it swung to a profit for the fourth quarter, as crude oil prices crept higher and the company cut costs. Earnings totaled $4.3 billion for the British oil giant, as compared to a loss of $3.34 billion in the same quarter of 2008.

Silver Is Poised To Rise In The Long Run, But The Short-term Situation Is Complicated

Silver bullion Bars
By: Przemyslaw Radomski
Perhaps you may have heard mentions recently of the Austrian School of Economics versus the Keynesian branch. Maybe you saw televised interviews with Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas.) He is the Congressman who has been trying for decades to pass a bill that would give Congress the power to audit the Federal Reserve Bank. What was once a ridiculed, marginal proposal recently passed the House and will soon be considered by the Senate.

Congressman Paul blames the country's economic woes on a long-dead economist by the name of John Maynard Keynes, whose present-day adherents, he says, are the ones bringing the country's economy to the cliff's edge.

Keynesian economics gained dominance after World War II and it was President Richard Nixon who proclaimed in 1971: "We are all Keynesians now." It was about the same time that Nixon "temporarily" severed the link between the dollar and gold, thus laying the framework for the currency's debasement. Congressman Paul is an adherent of the Austrian school of Economics.
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Do not trade stocks commodities or options you will lose says Bob Chapman

Europe is Bankrupt , Germany will pull out of the Union , The PIIGS countries are all bankrupt and will drive the Euro to the mud , The EU project have failed says Bob Chapman

Professional trader and ex broker says that 99.99% of the people should not be trading stocks options or commodities , you will lose if you do says Bob Chapman The International Forecaster ....