Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cohen of Goldman Sachs says Stock Market Likely Undervalued

Feb. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Abby Joseph Cohen, senior investment strategist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc., talks with Bloomberg's Tom Keene and Ken Prewitt about the U.S. stock market. Cohen also discusses prospects for U.S. economic recovery, corporate cash usage and investment strategy. (Source: Bloomberg)

Bob Chapman : 40 US States on the verge of collapse

The elite want to control the internet

The elite are trying to bring down countries and nations one after the other , and in the process get rid of some of what they call "useless eaters " , California's debt problems are even worse than those of Greece , California together with New Jersey and Michigan are bankrupt others will follow , all economies are coming down and in the same time we will have the elite going to attack Iran , , there is an escalation , the elite are escalating their war on people so that they can have their world government , now they are trying to shut down the Internet and impose a mandatory license for everyone who wants to access the internet....

Obama pushes nuclear power plan

Obama pushes nuclear power plan

The US President has announced funding for the country's first nuclear power plants in nearly three decades.

Barack Obama is promoting nuclear power as part of his clean energy initiative.

He is offering federal loan guarantees for building two new reactors in the southern state of Georgia.

Al Jazeera's John Terrett reports. (Feb 17, 2010)