Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mystery Of The Crop Circles - Crop Circles on MSNBC

Star Dreams - Mystery Of The Crop Circles

The work of aliens or practical jokers? These awesome pictograms, which appeared overnight, have mystified scientist for decades. Dawna Friesen investgates.

Presenting the story of the greatest revelatory phenomenon of our time. Star Dreams - Mystery of the Crop Circles (Part1) Video

A 85 minute documentary which shows the circles themselves for all to see and presents the top crop circle researchers. Investigating the over-all assumption of hoaxing, balls of light, sacred site connection, media and people's reaction to the phenomena, and outlining the basic understandings arrived at so far.
Images of the major crop circles, interviews with top researchers and a narrative line dealing with the mystical aspects of the phenomenon.

Many are now coming to believe these mysterious symbols, appearing all over the planet (more than 11,000 since 1980), are a communiqué to humankind allowing a greater human consciousness to emerge.

They are here to offer humanity at this time, an opportunity for an expanded consciousness and an understanding of how the world works in the larger context of the inter-galactic community.

Science and media have not given the phenomena it due consideration. Now is the time for a careful re-consideration based on the information and insights gained by the many researchers in the field.

Gold Demand in China Doubles

China gold demand pushes output to record levels

demand for gold set to double in the next decade. Although a leading gold producer, China is now looking overseas for more supply.
China is now considered the world's largest producer of gold.

But most of it stays in China, where Tony Cheng reports people see gold as a safe, solid investment in uncertain economic times.

There gonna be a tremendous exodus out of the United States once the first shot is fired says Bob Chapman

The war is a distraction from the economic and financial - Bob Chapman

If you want to get your money out of the country better do it now , you won't be able to do it in a couple of years , we are living in a police a corporate fascist police state , says Bob Chapman ....There gonna be a tremendous exodus out of the United States once the first shot is fired : Bob Chapman , they won't be able to keep the gates open enough to let the people escape the country...

Bob Chapman : The war is a distraction from the economic and financial events , secondly it is a geopolitical positioning against Russia China and India , for Iraq it is also to take the cheapest and easier to get oil in the world , in Afghanistan it is also for the heroin traffic hat is worth billions , that's why people are dying over there it is for the profit for the same people that have been doing the same things since the crusades , the Albanians have the task to bring these drugs to western Europe through the Balkans

Bob Chapman : Get your cash out of the Banks and The Stock Market - we will have Bank Holiday and the Stock market will crash by the end of this year
Mr. Chapman also known as The International Forecaster is a 74 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.

Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had over 6,000 clients.
Bob Chapman : you got to remove these people from the government
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.

In June of 1991, at the request of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began writing the International Forecaster.
Bob Chapman : do not expect the government to guarantee your bank account , it is bankrupt