Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cost of Offshore Oil Drilling

Phillipe Cousteau on Obama's new initiative; potential environmental backlash

Obama is a usable vessel of the illuminati - Bob Chapman

Obama is just doing what he is told to do by the Illuminati , he is probably a Marxist was probably a Muslim in his youth and he is now just a perfect puppet for the Illuminati bob Chapman explains answering to the rumors that say that Obama's mother was probably a Jewish ...

Bob Chapman : Get your cash out of the Banks and The Stock Market - we will have Bank Holiday and the Stock market will crash by the end of this year
Mr. Chapman also known as The International Forecaster is a 74 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.

Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had over 6,000 clients.
Bob Chapman : you got to remove these people from the government
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.

In June of 1991, at the request of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began writing the International Forecaster.
Bob Chapman : do not expect the government to guarantee your bank account , it is bankrupt

David Icke on One Radio Network - about his new book -February 9th 2010

David Icke on One Radio Network - February 9th 2010

David Icke - Our Time to Shine - Genie is led out of the box - New book out soon

David Icke is an English writer and public speaker who has devoted himself since 1990 to researching what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world." David has written 16 books explaining his views, characterized as New Age conspiracism, and has attracted a substantial following across the political spectrum. His books have been translated into eight languages, he runs a website that receives 600,000 hits a week, and his lecture tours, during which he speaks for up to eight hours at a time, attracted audiences of 30,000 between 2000 and 2006.His 533-page The Biggest Secret has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.

Listen to David as he explains what our reality is and how its distorted and some super info on how we can focus and see things for what they are not what 'they' have allowed us to see or how they have projected things they want us to see. The genie is led out of the box! David also offers a teaser about the immanent release of his new book which is going to be a big one!

Please copy this interview to all you can folks need to know this information!
