Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Groenewegen : Gold is The Ultimate Currency

July 12 (Bloomberg)--Gijsbert Groenewegen, a partner at Gold Arrow Capital Management, talks about the outlook for gold and the U.S. dollar. Groenewegen speaks with Matt Miller and Carol Massar on Bloomberg Television's "Street Smart." (This is an excerpt of the full interview. Source: Bloomberg)

Stocks Could Lift Gold : Phil Streible of Lind-Waldock

Stocks Could Lift Gold
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Lind-Waldock Senior Market Strategist Phil Streible says a good earnings season for equities could boost the price of gold.

BP puts a New Cap on the Leaking well

Energy giant BP has installed a new cap that it hopes will enclose a ruptured deep-sea oil well in the Gulf of Mexico.

The company needs to gradually shut the valves to ensure the well can handle added pressure.

If the attempt is successful, it would mark the first time in nearly three months that oil stopped flowing into the waterway. But BP has acknowledged that this fix is only a temporary solution.

Al Jazeera's Wayne Hay reports on efforts to put an end to a long-running environmental disaster.

[July 13, 2010]