Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mysterious Planet: The UFO Mystery


Sightings of UFOs exist since the dawn of human civilization. Modern government officials simply dismiss claims of UFO sightings or claim they are the work of military tests. But if that is true, how can UFO sightings from hundreds of years ago, before militaries and advanced weoponary even existed, exactly match the characteristics of modern sightings? What are UFOs? Are they highly advanced spacecraft from another galaxy flown by extraterrestrial beings? Are they military craft? Could they be a new spy technology from another nation? Denial and intrigue fills the air in the world of UFOs. Come and decide for yourself, what is soaring above us in the sky, in this second installment of "Mysterious Planet"!

Bob Chapman : Gold and Silver price will still rise on this September

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading 31Aug 2010

Mr. Robert Chapman also known as The International Forecaster is a 74 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.

Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had over 6,000 clients.
Bob Chapman : you got to remove these people from the government
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week

Robert Kiyosaki - The Business Of The 21st Century

For the past several years, multimillionaire businessman, entrepreneur, investor, advisor & author Robert Kiyosaki has been a staunch supporter of Network Marketing. Like many people, he was skeptical about the industry at first. That is until he learned first-hand what Network Marketing is all about: Helping People & getting a great Personal and Professional Education (Earn while you learn).
In his latest book, the author of the super-successful Rich Dad Poor Dad series shows why Network Marketing is indeed the business of the 21st century. Robert shares the eight wealth-building assets offered by network marketing that allow you to take advantage of these tough economic times to build a strong financial future and happier life.