Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Robert Kiyosaki - The 3 Types of Income

Robert Kiyosaki You need to know the different types of income and the different types of taxes : There is the Earned Income , the Portfolio Income and The Passive Income , .....It's Time To Get Smarter With Your Money.The earned income is the most taxed in the United States at about 50% the Portfolio income is taxed at about 20% , and the passive income income if you know what you are doing you can get it taxed at 0% legally ...

"...It's become even clearer to me that what Robert talks about and teaches is more important than ever. Financial education is crucial to this country at this point, and Robert's acumen in this area cannot be disputed."

- Donald J. Trump

James Turk : Gold and Silver are still very cheap

Not Too Late To Buy Gold

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- James Turk, founder of GoldMoney.com, says gold's breakout will continue and investors can still buy the precious metal.
Tue 09/07/10 10:41 AM EST -- Alix Steel
Stocks in this video: SGOL | GLD | SIVR | IAU | SLV

Robert Kiyosaki - Live Above Your Means

It's Time To Get Smarter With Your Money.

"...It's become even clearer to me that what Robert talks about and teaches is more important than ever. Financial education is crucial to this country at this point, and Robert's acumen in this area cannot be disputed."

- Donald J. Trump