Sunday, November 7, 2010

Robert Kiyosaki on Taking Risks

."...Most Investors say do not take risks , The rich investors take risks .." Robert Kiyosaki

Eric Sprott on SILVER Shortage

Eric Sprott speaks to Eric King on about Silver and Gold. Then, Ron Paul provides perspective on the big picture: Runaway government spending, unconstitutional behavior, the decline of America. If we return to our roots, if we embrace God, the rule of law, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, we can still right the ship. God bless you for caring.

SILVER to $50 By 2012 Says Jim Turk

James Turk says SILVER will be at $30 by year's end 2010 and says he fully expects SILVER to reach $50 within two years. Then SILVER will finally enter "Stage 2" which GOLD now enjoys. At which point, it will be "the sky's the limit" for SILVER. Max Keiser tees up the JP Morgan fraud in the SILVER market. Alan Grayson interrogates on behalf of SILVER too. Finally, Rand Paul reminds us all why SILVER (and GOLD) will be needed in the days ahead.