Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Silver Shortage imminent

Silver to skyrocket on industrial growth

I expect silver to be $50 by the start of the new year .with every investor large and small buying silver coins - that alone would push the price up - I stop at a pawn shop today and bought 5 silver eagles- climb baby climb.unless the JPM/HSBC cartel have more derrivative shorts in the face of 5 class action law suits and a RICO bankster short-squeeze. Now JPM bought 1 billion of copper in London to cover their silver shorts? Money manager predicts the price of silver to skyrocket on industrial growth

Silver Shortage imminent,once the price goes up, we will see silver recycled from all the electronics that we use. Silver deposits in the ocean will be dug up. will all this satisfy the consumption of silver that we use currently? China and India should see an increase in standard of living.....that means more computers, TV's, etc. Thats an increase of consumption by 2-3 billion people. will the new found silver satisfy future consumption rates? who knows, but i think we all agree that it looks good for silver
actually we pretty much have dug everwhere. with how much money is it, better believe people know where its at. major gold deposits have all been found ( still smaller ones out there). the key point of less silver being in the ground than gold is economically accessible. There are major silver deposits in the oceans but until silver price goes up, it will cost more to get it out than what its worth currently. Not to mention that none is recycled like gold. again because of the price

The International Forecaster With Frank Underhill !

Coach Talks: International Forecaster With Frank Underhill!

Bob Chapman wrote in the International forecaster of the 4th December 2010 :"....The failure of the international financial system and the inability of elitists to control it leave them open to loss and exposure of what they have been up too. Socialism in Europe was supposed to provide the gateway for a one-world government and banking system. It looks like their concept at least for now isn’t working out very well. In addition to trouble in banking and government the cost of maintaining the welfare state are now beyond Europe’s ability to pay. Demographics need to improve and that is not going to improve anytime soon. This factor alone guarantees the collapse of their welfare systems. The same is true for the US and Japan. In addition the German burden of carrying Europe cannot go on indefinitely, otherwise either German workers will revolt or Germany will financially collapse...."

Silver demand is surging after QE3

Silver demand is surging after QE3 , silver at $30 today , should already be $80 with gold at these prices. No biggie because in a few years, we can see silver at $500. It really depends on the people, if they want it to be $500, we can get it done!!