Saturday, December 18, 2010

Harvey Organ : Silver can Reach Gold price , it already happened in history

HARVEY ORGAN : Criminal Bankers VS Silver & Gold Vigilantes

HARVEY ORGAN : Hyperinflation, Backwardation & 1 To 1 Silver To Gold
we are headed towards a hyper inflationary depression , in 1480 one ounce of silver was at the same price as one ounce of gold , so it is very possible that one day the Silver will reach the gold price it already happened in history , profit from the speculation and stock up in silver as much as you can the price of silver is set to explode anytime soon....

The Process of Excavating and Refining Gold

How gold is produced, from excavation to ingot-form.

rubbish gold is found native because its so nonreactive i suppose you might need to get rid if the other metals surrounding it but that can be done with nitrates acids and oxidization that's why buying gold 10 tears ago was a slam dunk, cause it was selling cheaper than it cost to get it out of the ground .platinum is the most expensive is even more expensive than gold, silver and tungsten put together.It is golds rarity & difficulty to obtain, witch enables it to be used as money.Moneys main objective is to SAVE ie delay consumption, so the fact it does not rust or tarnish easily help as well.Now we do use paper with pictures on it, but only exclusively since 1971(and with threat of imprisonment from the government), and this is EXACTLY why our world economy is completely screwed up right now.IF MONEY IS BACKED BY ANYTHING OTHER THAN SOMETHING RARE OR HIGHLY IN DEMAND IT WILL EVENTUALLY, THROUGH INFLATION, BECOME WORTHLESS By the way paper money is called fiat currency, witch is latin for 'no thing'.

If there is only about 6 grams of gold per metric tonne of rock. it's that far underground and the extraction process is that complex then I would say that gold (at it's current price) is a bargain! I think I'm going to buy some Krugerrands . here in the US until gold hit 900+ dollars per ounce it was almost completely uneconomical to mine and refine gold in the US because there would be little to no profit.

Scraping Gold From motherboards

on motherboards there are ide connectors that are made of gold simply take a needle nose pliers and bend the prongs until they snap after a while you can end up with a lot! good luck you will make good can get them from computer motherboards cd rom boards floppy drive boards, anything that has a 34 pin connector will have gold pins ,That pile of gold sitting on the paper went for 350.00 at a gold store its still gold and they still bought it.Quite a percentage of gold is being left behind. Why don't instead of breaking the prongs, you invest in a cheap soldering iron and remove the whole pin. Gold plated is still gold...

you'd be surprised how much gold there really is sitting around in old electronics. Just due to the extremely time consuming and labor intensive process of cutting up individual boards and then bathing the good parts in acid or selling them for scrap it isn't worth it on an individual scale in countries where you can get a job that pays more than $5 an hour. But factories that simply grind up and burn electronics and extract the metals similar to ore make it very profitable i found that in the origonal xbox there is a set of pins not like the rest of the pins. while these pins are still gold they are alot thinker. i just want to give some imput and thyough that out there so mabey someone can see what im seeing and tell me something about them. you'll know what ppins im talking about if you try this