Thursday, December 23, 2010


Office of Comptroller of the Currency latest reports prove that JPMorgan & HSBC manipulated Over The Counter silver derivatives market

Wall Street is a fraud. The dollar is fiat and done. Goldman Sach are thieves, scum and frauds Govt economic data: a fraud. Comex and The Federal Reserve: frauds Bernanke, Geitner, Paulson, Roubini: frauds Spin masters: Fox, Cnbc, Jim Cramer: frauds Don't get screwed folks stay away from this scum. Stick to owning physical gold and silver bullion and let the music stop.

Economist John Williams warns of Hyperinflation

John Williams on the Financial Sense NewsHour 14 Dec 2010

Economist John Williams, editor of, a popular website that tracks real inflation figures, says hyperinflation is inevitable. He is advising people to hoard physical gold as well as food items in bulk so that they have some means with which to barter as the economic crisis turns ugly. Williams says government may start giving out free toilet paper … er … money! below is the interview with Jim Puplava of the  Financial Sense Newshour.

Record Gold Prices Hurting Jewelers

Dec. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Gigi Stone reports on the impact of rising gold prices on jewelry demand and jewelry makers. The rising value of bullion, reaching a record $1,431.25 an ounce on Dec. 7, has upended the economics of jewelry for buyers and sellers alike, with a mix of outcomes around the world. U.S. purchases of gold jewelry have fallen 36 percent by volume in three years. Women in India, where demand is booming, are buying hollow bangles made to look like solid gold. (Source: Bloomberg