Sunday, January 2, 2011

IMF Buys US Gold for $42.20

The Real World of Money radio show with Andrew Gause and Patrick Timpone.

This excerpt details Special Drawing Rights, SDRs.

Andrew is a currency historian and nationally recognized expert on the U.S. Monetary System. He has two books: "The secret World of Money" and "Uncle Sam Cooks The Books"

Donald Trump on America vs China - US economic collapse

Donald Trump on America vs China - US economic collapse

Bob Chapman : $400 Silver and Crash JP Morgan & HSBC buy silver

Buy silver "Crash JP Morgan buy silver" movement is growing in leaps and bounds...DON'T believe me?...just Google "crash JP Morgan buy silver" and watch all results.I respect Bob Chapman's advice and opinion...and if even Bob Chapman is calling for $100 to $400 silver then you

BOB Chapman and Max Keiser are awesome! We should have crashed coca cola a year ago when Keiser mentioned it instead of just sitting around lamenting the dire straits we are in but this idea is even better. I've already started contacting churches in this area to see if they can take up offerings and then purchase 30 pieces of silver as a sign of repentance!