Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ted Butler on Gold and Silver ETFs

This is from an interview with Ted Butler on Financial Sense Radio talking about the current silver demand and the potential for default of the gold and silver ETF's on the COMEX. This interview is dated 10-25-2008.Best to own physical silver and gold.I think the scam is coming to an end.  People are going into PM Buy more gold/silver and hang on.. We are going to need it They're not taking it to free mkt level. Because of the COMEX will go bust and there is no way in hell they can survive in 2011. By end of 20110 is my prediction that COMEX will go bust. THey had isues delivery last April and got gold in the nick of time from ECB who sold tons of gold

What happened to the physical world? Everything now is paper and certificates!! I have 100 tons of firewood here for sale, but I can only sell you paper certificates! Winter is going to be coming soon and it's a good idea to invest early. I also have 500 gallons of oil certificates too and I also sell pigs that fly certifcates as well.

Silver, an alternative safe haven to Gold

Investing in silver, as an alternative safe haven to gold :
In times of crisis, Silver becomes an alternative safe haven for your investments. Silver is often viewd as a cheap gold . silver quotations were back at the highest since March 2008. Touched $ 29.5 per ounce on the London Stock driven by race to 'purchase mostly coming from the field of numismatics, but also by investors and by the jewelers, and from the industrial sector which is recovering from the crisis. The white metal is used for electronics because of its good conductivity even if it is less workable than gold. After 16 years of declines (1990 to 2005) in 2010 the race is back to purchase silver , CPM Group, author of the annual Silver Yearbook, estimates the reserves of silver in the world at 213.9 million ounces , exceeding that of 2009 of 209.7 million.

David Morgan Talks Dollar Default Risk, Deflation, Hyperinflation, & More

David Morgan Talks Dollar Default Risk, Deflation, Hyperinflation, & More Adrian Douglas thinks silver price will reach parity with Gold one day. Demand for silver will maintain any increased value, due to supply of decreasing, with rapidity to its extinction. Oil and silver mimic one another. Both are destined to become "rare earth" resources.
A population reducing pandemic is the only variable which could counterbalance or impede this outcome.

Tarek Saab of Trusted Bullion asks David Morgan to comment on the following:

-The 41% YTD rise in silver and his near term and long term projections
-The Global economy, industrial demand, and its impact on precious metals.
-The bond market, and its potential to act as a cork on hyperinflation
-Mining companies, and whether now represents a buying opportunity
-Deflation, and his view on credit contraction, M1, M3, and the definition of money
David Morgan is the first expert I've heard who points out the truth about historical $50 silver and $800 gold. It has always annoyed me to hear people use those numbers to their own advantage. I have pointed this out to people only to have them put a B.S. spin on the subject and refusing to acknowledge the truth. Thank you Mr. Morgan for validating my observations.
Silver and all commodities went down when China raised interest rates on their currency. This recent dip may be in large part due to that event. I think it's still bullish. And the old Silver high was still over $30 and in inflationary dollar that is at least $80. But I think many more factors are coming into play now. All countries are devaluing their currencies to raise exports and it has never happened this much before. Just starting, watch.