Friday, January 28, 2011

Time to Buy Up gold amid the unrest in Egypt

Jan. 28 2011 | Discussing whether it's time to double up on gold amid the unrest in Egypt, with Daniel Goure, Lexington Institute, and Daniel Senor, Council on Foreign Relations.

Bob Chapman Friday Report: A Decade Of Progress Wiped Out By Financial Policy

ALEX JONES is the only person on this planet, that I can Trust To Say Trillion With A Straight Face, You Rock Alex, Those Elite on The 33rd Floor Watch the Door Doesnt Slam You In The Ass On The Way OuT . Alex Jones talks with Bob Chapman , publisher of the International Forecaster, makes his regular Friday appearance. Alex runs down the latest news and takes your calls.

There is nothing dumb about the financial media. They know exactly what they are doing. All they want to do is keep their jobs and in that process they sell out themselves, their families and friends, other people and their country. They know government statistics are bogus, but they won't report that, because if they did they will be discharged. There are two sets of alternative figures. One shows inflation at 6.75% and the other 8%. As we have reported before the PPI reflects 13-1/2% to 14%, so how can official inflation be 1.2%? If this is truly the case how can inflation be tame with food and energy prices going through the roof?

Bob Chapman: on the best country to relocate to

Bob Chapman : "Where is the best country to relocate to w/out the loss of liberties" 1/26/2011

How about the best state to bug out to.. I say Idaho, Alaska and Montana. Have your own ranch, water supply , garden and plenty of animals to hunt.Alpine, Wyoming... I went there once. It was nice. Western Montana is nice.