Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bob Chapman on Global Opposition to New Order Bolshevik Feb 01, 2011

Bob Chapman on GONOB Feb 01, 2011

How The Bankers turn Paper into Gold !

For centuries alchemists tried to figure out how to create gold from nothing or from something like lead .Central Banking with the use of FIAT money and fractional reserve lending is the Financial alchemy the elite have used to create and steal wealth from unsuspecting nations and citizens , watch the magicians hands ...

The system is a Ponzi scheme. Being a Ponzi scheme there is not enough money to pay the interest. Thus more money and debt must be created to keep the scheme going. It runs into problems when loans cannot be created which we are witnessing now. Thus all the Government debt creation by the trillions. the sad part is all this debt results in liabilities that ultimately cannot be paid. The paper holders then use their legal claims to seep the winnings off the table..The current economic crisis epicentered in The US which has gone global has been engineered by design by globalist International Elites and Bankers. I will explain how. It is the result of Fiat money and fractional reserve lending which is basically the creation of money from thin air. Money may be created from nothing but the debt and legal claims are real and have serious and REAL implications for the citizens of the US and most countries around the world. This is a simple presentation as to how created paper ends up claiming real assets and the labour of men and women. Paper liabilities involve counterparty risk. Better store your wealth in Gold before the "Crack up boom" accelerates.The system does exacatly what I demonstrated. Created paper (Money Printing and fractional reserve Lending)creates claims on really assets. The Pie actually gets smaller and smaller for those that do not understand the system or have the ability to partake in it.

End of the USD, currency revaluation,COMEX shorts and New precious metal currency

In summary, there is a huge distribution of wealth that is going to take place (42 Trillion dollars). This is inclusive of economic change (dollar refunding project and currency revaluation) The World Global Settlements are going to be paid out to 140 countries. These settlements represent all the wrong doings the gov't has ever done. This is non-public.

CMKX/CMKM Diamonds was swept into the world global settlements but should have never been, however, it was detached and removed via supreme court order "in camera" privately in Dec 2010. CMKX settlement funds is the largest security fraud in history (NSS) Naked Short Selling and was part of a sting operation initiated by the SEC, FBI, DOJ, Homeland Security led by Robert Maheu. CMKX settlements portion is 3.87 trillion to be paid out to 50000 bonafide shareholders.

The Chinese have taken over the responsibility in ensuring that these world global settlements go out timely because the US weren't handling it the way that was agreed, hence the chinese president visited the US and met with the president recently.
" Jonah's opinion
In my opinion the term distribution of wealth in dollars is the key phrase. As this will determine who comes out well. The question remains as to what the result will mean to the individual citizen of the United States. Will this result in the loss of individual wealth? Will this revaluation and reset and distribution impact the purchasing power of Americans? I think in the short run it could be quite painful if events occur as discussed in this tele-conference and this may be the play of the NWO for Global Governance. On the other hand the Global economy my be placed on a more stable footing and the halt if the downward spiral of countries and economies may be reversed. It will be a new world possibly with much new opportunity. In any event this is historic. On a sidebar note I have to wonder if the bird and fish and animal die off, and bizarre weather are related to these negotiations. We all know the various TPTB/TPTW have technological abilities to engage in clandestine warfare. There could be a high powered game of high stakes chicken being played out behind the scenes."