Sunday, February 13, 2011

Eric Sprott ultra Bullish on Silver

Eric Sprott on The Financial Sense News Hour 12 Feb 2011

Eric Sprott president of Sprott Inc and his daughter Larisa on silver and the family business; .Why Eric Sprott is bullish on silver, and fundamentals behind his enthusiasm; Larisa Sprott's role in the family business;

BACKWARDATION and the fall of the bankers

The Silver is in BACKWARDATION and the fall of the bankers It's happening right now, and it will change everything.
It's still winter but things are getting hot, hot, hot. Barclays reports solar panel usage is expected to jump up to use 7% of production; mines are borrowing metal for their hedge programs, high grade silver is getting swooped before it reaches the street, coin sales are at record levels, Comex is at four year low (Reuters)
Money had been leaving SLV. Lots and lots of hard data to back up this one beyond a doubt.

An Unfair Advantage - A Rich Dad Documentary

Robert Kiyosaki amongst many others explain how living the dream is not only possible but can be accomplished by anyone. Surrounding yourself with those of like minded individuals ready to bring wealth and being a part of something greater. A team together learning and education and earning our financial education and freedom.