Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bob Chapman as an ex counterintelligence agent worked against Putin in Germany

Bob Chapman - The Global Freedom Report - June 1, 2011

Bob Chapman tells about his ex job as a counter intelligence agent during the cold war and how he was spying on Russians and ex soviet union agents the KGB the STASI agents etc....when Bob Chapman was spying in Germany Putin was there too as a KGB agent

Bob Chapman Joyce Riley - Power Hour 06 June 2011

Fidel Castro and Chavez are two of Bob Chapman's The International Forecaster newsletter subscribers : , 6 European countries are bankrupt Greece Portugal Ireland Spain Italy and Belgium , Belgium more because the country is Balkanized the north is Flemish and the south is french ....the greedy bankers have set Greece up says Bob Chapman they want Greece to collateralize its debt ...

Bob Chapman - The Bilderberg 2011 meeting in St. Moritz Switzerland

FFw/JB Radio Show (6/9/2011): Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman on Freedom Files Radio :: ...we thank Jim Tucker who has been following this for many years and also Daniel Estulin , I think they are ahead of their time and make arrangement for the people working in the area feed them information , they are at St. Moritz ...I understand that some of the things are going to take place in Zurich and in Geneva , Zurich is not too far away but Geneva is a fair piece , I lived in Switzerland for long time , but anyway they had a road closed yesterday I think they had to throw the event forward one day and then they started stopping cars and searching them and all that sort of things so , and then there was a possible bomb threat and that fowls things up pretty good and so I think these things got off to a rocky start ...I think that's wonderful....Bob Chapman lived in Switzerland himself for long time and he speaks an excellent German and french