Monday, August 29, 2011

Perth Mint Australia - Silver Bullion Unboxing

I've received a shipment of silver today and decided to share the unboxing with my viewers. The package includes 2 units of 99.9% Pure Silver from the Perth Mint Australia. Purchased at $357.00 per bar in late February 2011 .Investment in precious metals will always be worth something, even when money is diluted so much that everything costs a fortune, silver and gold will remain salable at a nice amount! :) The way prices are going, it'll be a very worth while investment! :) 4 months ago silver was selling at $26 per ounce, now it's $36, so things are looking u,The problem I have with the Perth mint is that they are too expensive !  They must love their metal more than the rest of the mints around the world

Gold to $5000/oz within the next five years

Gold to storm all the way up to $5000 an ounce over the next few years , you have people like Steven Forbes predicting $5000 Gold in the next five years and he also predicts that we will back on the gold standard , within five years . , congressman Ron Paul also predicting $5000 an ounce gold or even higher and he says that he is not purchasing gold for profit but as an insurance against the coming hyperinflation ....

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 29 Aug 2011

Bob Chapman : anybody who is trying to trade these markets that is not a professional is looking for trouble , just buy gold and silver assets every months despite the price , The Gold owning elite , they have gold because they know it is the ultimate money it is a hedge for them a lot more people in the world own a lot more gold than they do , I looked at this question for many years and I think if they got 20 percent they got a lot , you do not worry about what the next guy is doing you worry about yourself , you buy gold to save your assets