Monday, September 19, 2011

Bob Chapman : America that you know is gone

Bob Chapman : I got news for you America that you know is gone , you'll be lucky if we can emulate the 1950s that's when I grow up and it was not an easy job , you could not find a job you had to be connected , that's where we are headed many of you people will never ever work again ...they sent you probabl job to China or some other place , it is over you will eventually end up in an internment camp you will starve to death and they won't treat you .....

The Gold Market Dependent on Market Sentiment

Gold is whatever price you want it to be at the end of the day looking at demand and supply fundamentals it is not really connected to that aspect of the market more so it is connected to sentiments says Michael Langford, Proprietary Trader at,

Bob Chapman gives his opinion on some famous market commentators chartists and Wall Street icons

Bob Chapman gives his opinion on some famous market commentators chartists Newsletteres Writes and Wall Street icons like Max Keiser , Jim Rogers Marc Faber , Gerald Celente , Peter Schiff , Robert Prechter ,James Turk , Eric Sprott , Jim Sinclair , Jim Rickards , Gerorge Soros , Rick Santelli , etc....