Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gold bullish short term & long Term

Despite the massive sell off today the fundamentals for Gold remain rock solid , they sell we buy , because they see gold as a speculative investment we see gold as money the only money that preserves its value over time , paper is just an illusion , let them keep accumulating paper assets cash bonds stocks we will keep accumulating real assets gold and Silver and thanks for the discount by the way , Peter Turville-Ince, Head of Commodity & Equities Strategy at Compass Global Markets, believes that gold prices will continue to rise, and the volatility surrounding the gold market will subside.

Bob Chapman : Occupy Wallstreet Protest could give the government an excuse to start Martial Law

Bob Chapman Radio Liberty Hour3 - 03 oct 2011

Bob Chapman : most of the demonstrators a wall street are communist funded by George Soros , what they are looking for is to provoc the government with violence in order to give the government an excuse to start Martial Law , all the things they are complaining about are true and logical but their solutions are wrong says Bob Chapman ,

Bob Chapman : HSBC & JPM were able o cover some of their silver shorts

Bob Chapman Radio Liberty Hour2 - 03 Oct 2011

Bob Chapman : why people would flock to US treasuries is beyond me they are the best of the worst , the prices of gold and silver are going right back up again where they were before , why would not people buy gold and silver related assets , they just allowed HSBC & JPM were able o cover some of their silver shorts