Friday, October 7, 2011

A Trade war with China is inevitable

Bob Chapman : The Gold suppression cartel have tried all day to knock gold prices down , but it is rallying back , Canada is not as free as many people think it is , It is true that the Chinese are deliberately undervaluing their currency it is under valued by 40 percent conservatively we can say 30 percent which is still substantial , if that bill passes next week we could have a trade war with China , that will be the best thing that could happen to America , imposing tariffs on Chinese imports , everybody was screwing us up for so long ....

Gold is the final money will reach $5000/oz

Philipp Vorndran, of Flossbach & von Storch, interviewed by James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation . Philipp's fund still has a great deal of gold; they consider gold "the final money" and still see a lot of potential for its price. He talks of $5,000 gold price and expects the bull market to eventually reach the same level of enthusiasm and participation as the dot-com bubble in the 1990s.

A war with Turkey to cover up the Bankruptcy of Greece


Bob Chapman : The situation in Europe is out of hand , Greece will go bankrupt no matter what happens , that will be covered by a pre arranged war that will be between Turkey and Greece and their new ally Israel , in the meantime the German and the french have come to the conclusion that this is not going to cost 1 trillion , but it is going to cost 5 , 6 , 7 trillion dollars , what the french and the Germans are doing right now , they are printing Deutschmark and french francs