Thursday, October 27, 2011

Julian Phillips: Gold & Silver Markets on verge of Soaring

Julian Phillips Goldforecaster founder says that the precious market are on the point of soaring given the debt problems news coming from Europe , investors will flock into gold and silver as they are losing confidence in fiat currencies such as the Euro and the US Dollar , for the Euro to retain any form of confidence they will have to ask Greece to leave Julian explains , smart investors do not buy gold to make profit they buy for that rainy day ....what the Euro is going through now is what the dollar will go through in the near future ...physical gold is the ultimate safe heaven because it removes the risk , while the mining shares still carry them....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Silver Manipulation fact or fiction with Ron Hera Live from the Silver Summit

Interview with Ron Hera Live from the Silver Summit . Kerry Lutz interviews Ron Hera at the Silver Summit in Spokane Washington , Ron Hera, at the 2011 Silver Summit in Spokane Washington. A truly knowledgeable follower of the precious metals markets, Ron talks about keeping a core metals position and investing in the metal stocks. Many experts at the Summit agreed that the metals stocks are ridiculously under priced, often selling for little more than cash in the bank with almost no consideration of the value of their deposits. Ron helps you navigate the precious metal stocks minefield.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Bob Chapman - there is no stopping for Gold and Silver from now on

Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 26 Oct 2011

Bob Chapman - there is no resistance for Gold and Silver at this point shorts have been covered and the bad guys are going to be on the long side otherwise they are not going to be able to stop it , Bob Chapman predicts a $2200 for gold before the end of this year and by February if there is not much intercession by the US government we could go to $300/$3200 /oz possible , and silver I am looking for a break over $50 there is no resistance there silver could be anywhere between $60 and $80 may be even higher it is all up we do not worry about what the numbers are we will worry when we get there