Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bob Chapman - Dr Deagle Show - 26 October 2011

Bob Chapman : what they are going to do and this is part of the QE3 that's coming up that I learned from behind the scenes , what they are going to do with the Federal Reserve is they are going to relieve the banking system of its bad assets , things like mortgages that are inside of bonds called MBS and CDOs and they already own 1.3 trillion of this garbage , they won't tell us what they paid for it or what they're worth which is virtually nothing and the banks will take that money and they'll buy longer term treasuries and agency securities.....

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gold & Silver Outlook after the Eurozone Debt Deal

The coin dollar will just be made out of some cheap metal. That news story has nothing do with gold or silver!!! Just imagine if the mint was distributing silver coins... there would not be one of those bags sitting in storage. I give them 3 years max to play on this carousel. The IMF is already talking of increasing the bail out fund for Europe to $5 Trillion & they haven't even spent this weeks money. The German public is screaming that Germany is going to use it's Pension fund as a source of funding for the bail outs. The giant vacuum has started on the FIAT mess, Every country in the world now has to print money, it's a race now. If they don't print then their money is going to me worth too much & hurt their exports. The Race To The Bottom has started!

Exclusive interview with David Morgan at the Silver Summit

October 17, 2011. Exclusive interview with David Morgan at the Silver Summit in Spokane, Washington , David discusses the outlook for silver and gold, reasons for recent volatility in the markets, reasons why it's a good idea to own physical precious metals, the use of gold and silver as money, strategies for investing in gold and silver, and more.