Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bob Chapman - Dr Deagle Show - 09 Nov 2011

Bob Chapman : Ms Merkel is laying plans now to allow members of the Eurozone to exit and go back to their own currencies , that will be a big blow for Germany ...this is going to be worse than world war III better take out your money from the big banks ....there is going to be no more resistance for gold and silver prices on the upside .....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Andy Hoffman : the physical metals will see all time high prices

Ranting Andy Hoffman talks about Derivatives, the MF Global debacle, silver and gold price outlook and the current events. andy says that he is now 100 percent switched to bullion , the physical metals will see all time high prices , the sovereigns of the world are rushing out of The Dollar . People have lost lot of money in the paper market .... I'm glad there are those that keep telling people to buy and hold precious metals themselves. This tactic has been proven down through the ages as sound policy. But most people will never listen. derivatives are just instruments to gamble upon the real underlining assets, they have no merit on the value of the real assets, bank of america has gambled to the point of 7 trillion in these gambling instruments. so bank of america is bankrupt, just dont invest in bank of america, anyone that has ties to bank of america will obviously be screwed also. doesnt mean the whole market is shit its just a select few of poorly managed companies.

Bob Chapman - The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2011.11.09

Bob Chapman : The focus of the financial world has settled on Europe and plans to rescue the continent. Most of the US presidential candidates are floundering, as people debate Ron Paul’s options. Obama calls Natanyahu everyday because Netanyahu is a dual citizen , Sarkozy is the es man of America he does exactly what america tells him to do , in France they call him Sarkozy the American , The Euro is on the verge of implosion ...etc...