Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bob Chapman : NATO Ready to Invade Syria

Bob Chapman on Dr. Deagle Show 23 Nov. 2011 : The NATO is Ready to Invade Syria so that they will have a launching pad there to do things in the Middle East , and invade Iran , it's the same patent they used in Libya ...this is the time to buy Gold not to sell it , the German government cannot sell 35 percent of their own 10 years bonds

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Marc Faber : Gold in Correction Phase not in a Bubble

Marc Faber : ...All I can say is that Gold have done much better than any government bonds ...a lot of people think that gold is a bubble and so forth but that is not my impression , I want to tell you I was last week in TaiWan and later I was in South Korea I gave two conference presentations and I asked the audience how many of you do own some gold ? and in TaiWan I think there was one participant that owned any gold and in Korea in a room with may be a thousand people not a single person owned gold you understand had I asked the question in year 2000 how many of you own the Yahoo type of stocks the whole room would have said yes we own it

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist - November 23, 2011

Bob Chapman : there is no solution for the economic problems in Europe , the situation is not improving it is getting worse , we are going to have climbing inflation climbing unemployment you have to ensure yourself , if you have more money after you purchased dehydrated food and water filters buy gold and silver coins bullion and shares says Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster ....