Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Discount : Silver at $29.01 And Going Lower?

Merry Christmas to all the silver stackers!!!! Silver's value in manipulated paper silver stock has no meaning to me. I have silver and 1 oz of silver is worth 1 oz of silver. Anyone who buys silver to make a quick buck has the wrong idea. Silver and gold have been dropping. It looks likely to continue until the price of gas goes up. Gas prices will go up with the turmoil intensifying in the middle east. Will the dow crash again, soon? Keep buying, don't stop and DON'T sell any.
MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.06.11

Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.06.11 , Bob explains that the government recent jobs figures are bogus and that the jobs created are mostly in services not productive kind of jobs like in the industry , the government officials lie about everything

1/2 Bob Chapman - Talk to Solomon - 12.06.11 from Conservative Political Network on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Where Gold is going from here ?

Where Gold is going from here ? gold price plummeted again today $35 today without the Fed's promise of QE3 after it registered yesterday one of its largest declines in nearly three months , this is due to two main factor the strong dollar as the capital that is fleeing from the Euro goes to the dollar and this weakens the gold market and the end of the year liquidation trend , bottom line you have here another Christmas discount a great opportunity to load more physical gold ,we can thank whoever is selling because we are BUYING , if you are in the gold market just to speculate you better sell all of your gold we will buy it all , but if you are in gold in order to preserve your wealth as you should be then all this trends do not mean much for you except you are getting a Christmas discount on Gold so take advantage of it ....