Saturday, December 31, 2011

Where the Gold Price is heading in 2012 ?

You Should not be worried about the Gold price the power that be can only manipulate the paper market and they can only manipulate it for that much and for a limited period of time , we the physical gold hoarders are the absolute winners of all this especially that we are getting gold at a huge discount this time around so buy as much gold as you can and stop worrying about the price , you are in it for the long run.....

Worried about gold prices, well don't. You should be more worried about how long the fiat money system is going to hold on. Forces are converging that will soon make precious metals more valuable than ever. Our money system is based on a faulty premise that debt, any kind, begets prosperity. And government budget deficits are the key to wealth. In fact nothing could be further from the truth. We are all debt slaves now and the government wouldn't have it any other way. So don't worry so much about precious metals, there's plenty of other things going on in the world today that should keep you up at night.

Ron Paul 2012 or Bust

Bob Chapman - Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 12-28-2011 Bob Chapman of the International forecaster discusses with Dr Deagle of the Nutrimedical Report about the current event the Ron Paul GOP race and the possibility of him wining being the only candidate that can liberate us from the bondage of the banking cartels and wall street gangs and the city of London and so on , Bob Chapman also talks about how the precious metals markets are manipulated and many other issues

Friday, December 30, 2011

Bob Chapman : Ron Paul is the Real Change

Bob Chapman like every Friday is back on the Alex Jones show he talks about the Ron Paul candidacy and how he is our last hope for the real change that America and the Americans need , and how main stream media is trying its best in order to destroy Ron Paul's campaign , Bob Chapman continues talking about other current political and economic issues