Monday, January 30, 2012

How to Search for Gold with Yukon Dan

How to Pan for Gold explained by Yukon Dan , a key figure from the Canadian Gold Rush who is also an historian and workshop master in the classroom, gives us with a quick lesson on how to pan for gold. Yukon Dan shows how to successfully pan for gold

Gold Market will be boosted by the recent announcement of MF Global

The recent announcement of MF Global that they could not find the money lost will have a huge impact on the gold market , investors will pour into physical gold more people will buy gold as they lose faith in the paper and the futures market

Jim Rogers : Gold a protection against inflation

Jim Rogers : “Some of the factors that determine the demand for gold are slightly different than the factors that determine the demand for steel. But basically, if you have shortages of something, supplies are going down. You can have a bull market even if demand goes down. But if you have demand going up and supply going down, you’re going to have a huge, wonderful bull market. “Gold is being seen as a protection against inflation, against money printing, against debasement of currencies. The supply of gold hasn’t increased very much. Many goldmines are old and running out. So you have problems on both the supply and demand side.” - in The Money Man