Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bob Chapman : a war with Syria would be a terrible mistake

Bob Chapman : whoever goes in there (Syria) is going to pay a terrible price , these are not the Iraqis or Afghanistan or some third world military , this is very sophisticated people and i think it will be a terrible terrible mistake if we have to go in there ....the war will last for long long time unless they use nuclear weapons

Marc Faber : With money-printing, you never know what sector of the economy will be inflated

Marc Faber : "It is not that the gold price will go up. It is that the value of paper money will go down."
"Ten years ago we had relatively low inflation in the Western world. Now, with interest rates at zero, we have high asset valuations. Asset prices have gone ballistic in stamps, modern art, wine, you name it. Gold, silver, other commodities, equities in emerging markets, high-end real estate -- all have done well. When assets become like cash, it may be safer to hold your money in the bank. If asset prices collapse, you'll be better off in Treasury bills with zero yields. Then the central banks will print money and bail you out. At least you'll get your principal back. With money-printing, you never know what sector of the economy will be inflated. Maybe we have had profit inflation and there will be a severe correction. I don't expect corporate profits in the U.S. to collapse by more than 20% in the next 12 months."

Sky is the Limit for Gold - John Rubino

John Rubino; co-author (with James Turk) of "The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It" interviewed by GoldSeek Radio's Chris Waltzek talks - Feb 7, 2012 . John Rubino is the author of several well-received books foretelling years in advance the collapse of the housing market and the decline of the US dollar. Before starting his website, John was a featured columnist with, Individual Investor, and a number of other influential financial publications. "The risk to the financial system right now is a wholesale loss of confidence." "Everybody loses faith in the currency and dumps it, so they are willing to trade that currency for real stuff at any price, and so you see prices of real things go through the roof, which is the same thing as saying the value of the currency goes through the floor". - Exactly what is starting to happen in the US right now. Author John Rubino on how to profit from currency devaluation says