Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bob Chapman : Hyperinflation just around the corner

Bob Chapman - WideAwakeNews RADIO - Feb. 20, 2012 ,China has only 3 percent of its assets in Gold so far despite they have been buying hand full fests lately , they should bring that to at least 25 percent if they are serious about it , it was a big mistake from them that they have been hording American paper assets instead of gold and silver but they are catching up now

Bob Chapman - Greece should have defaulted 2 and half years ago

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 20 Feb 2012 : Greece will never be able to pay off its debts , the ECB started to print money out of thin air just like the FED , Greece economy cannot compete with a strong Euro their only out is to go back to the Drachma and then they could compete but they have to default , Greece should have defaulted 2 and half years ago

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold & Silver Trading - Greece with the euro cannot compete with its neighboring similar economies in the Mediterranean , the demise of the euro will help the dollar because capital will flee to the US dollar thinking it is a safe heaven which is not , the only safe heavens are Gold and Silver