Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bob Chapman : The FED will buy back the toxic securities they bought from Banks

Bob Chapman : Well, we had an $868 billion stimulus package. The Federal Reserve then created enough money and credit to bring that package assistance up to somewhere between $2.3 and $2.5 trillion. For that, we had approximately 16 months of attempted recovery. During that period of time, five quarters averaged growth between 3% and 3.25%. I feel that was a very, very high price to pay for a relatively sideways movement in the economy. Now we're back to square one. The recovery is not continuing. The Federal Reserve is talking about more quantitative easing. They're talking about buying back the toxic securities they bought from banks at a price they won't disclose. That move essentially cleared up the banks' books but at the same time encumbered the Fed's books, which they're now going to unburden by selling the bonds back to the same people they bought them from. Now, we don't know what the loss factor is because they won't tell us, so we have to ballpark it. Out of this money that's coming and going they have to come up with a figure somewhere in the vicinity of $1.2 trillion. That's what they're going to use for this quantitative easing. - in theaurreport

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Become a Forex Trader for Beginners - The Basics

Learn how to trade Forex from home and learn to trade Forex as a business. If you want to build wealth in Forex you can .Forex trading in a simple yet fun way. Watch it now and find out how to trade Forex.Example of a simple trade, what traders look for, and how you can make money of trading currencies. How to execute stop-loss and limit orders to protect profits and losses.

Know your Forex terms

Before we delve any deeper into the possibilities that exist in the Forex market, we need to go over some basic Forex market terms.

Pip: A pip (percentage in point) or point, is usually the smallest unit of measurement in the Forex market. Most currency pair quotes are carried out four decimal places—i.e. 1.4500. When you work with Alpari quotes are carried out to the 5th decimal place to provide better pricing. The 5th decimal place represents fractional pips. If the exchange rate of a currency pair moved from 1.45000 to 1.45100, we would say that the price moved up 10 pips. You make money when the pips move your way in a trade.

Note: Any exchange rate that contains the Japanese yen as one of the currencies will only be carried out three decimal places.

Currency Pair: We wouldn't have a Forex market if we weren't able to compare the value of one currency against the value of another currency. It is this comparison that drives prices. Forex contracts are always quoted in pairs. The Euro vs. the U.S. dollar (EUR/USD) is the most heavily traded currency pair. The U.S. dollar vs. the Japanese yen (USD/JPY) is another popular pair.

The following is a list of the most common currency pairs, their trading symbols and their nicknames:

Euro vs. U.S. dollar (EUR/USD): "The Euro"

Great Britain Pound vs. U.S. dollar (GBP/USD): "Pound," "Sterling," or "The Cable."

U.S. dollar vs. Swiss franc (USD/CHF): "The Swissie
U.S. dollar vs. Japanese yen (USD/JPY): "The Yen"
U.S. dollar vs. Canadian dollar (USD/CAD): "The CAD," or "Loonie"
Australian dollar vs. U.S. dollar (AUD/USD): "The Aussie"
New Zealand dollar vs. U.S. dollar (NZD/USD): "The Kiwi"

Bob Chapman : a lot of people dont know how to properly invest or trade

Bob Chapman : First of all, I found as a broker that a lot of people don't know how to properly invest or trade. Often brokers would have them trade; however it's not something average people normally do because they're not professionally trained. There are not a lot of people who can effectively trade and make money in the market. Perhaps 5% are successful. But I ran into a lot of people who wanted to trade, and I discouraged them unless they had years of experience. I said you've got to pick a trend. For example, we are now in a long-term bull market in gold and silver. I tell people to get in with a trend and stay with it as long as possible. People were losing money in the market because they weren't doing that. Consequently, I've been helping people set long-term investment goals. - in the aureport