Monday, August 27, 2012

Silver hits 16-week high on stimulus hopes

It’s not too late to buy silver, but this train is leaving the station... So you better get moving very soon if you want a piece of the surge that’s coming in silver. Gold surged to a 16-week high of $1,667 and silver passed $30 an ounce as speculation mounted about a new stimulus package from the Federal Reserve and the prospect of similar actions by all the global central banks this autumn what is going on the euro, many countries are giving the gold. silver is an extreme and interesting metal. precious metal. remarkable industrial metal. The ECB lends cash to banks to buy European Sovereign Debt at a 1% interest rate. This is not as direct or pronounced as what the FED or the BOE do, but it is essentially the same thing. if enough people buy up the physical it will shift the power to the people instead of the banks. silver shorts show the real value of your fiat currency. if it wasn't for everyone buying mf global wouldn't have been shorted, don't stop there bring it to jpmorgan too!

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Return to the Gold Standard ?

The Gold Standard has returned to mainstream U.S. politics for the first time in 30 years, with a “gold commission” set to become part of official Republican party policy. Talk of a gold standard is back in focus in politics for the first time in three decades. The U.S. Republican Party will call next week for a commission to examine the possibility of returning the American currency to the gold standard .Rep. Ron Paul, (R-TX), weighs in.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Peter Schiff : Gold & Silver Prices would Break Out

Peter Schiff : All summer long I have been forecasting that the prices of both gold and silver would break out. I have been urging clients not to wait until the breakout occurred, but to buy in anticipation of that breakout while prices were lower.
I think that opportunity has now passed. But we still have an opportunity to buy now, while the breakout is still early in its process.
I think the lows are clearly in for both, gold and silver. I think now that we have broken out the time to buy cheap will soon be gone.
I don’t want people who have already hesitated to hesitate any longer… …
I think the catalyst for that move, I believe, was the Federal Open Market Committee minutes that came out earlier this week, that put QE 3 – that’s quantitative easing or basically money printing and debt monetization – it put that right back on the table in the minds of a lot of people.
In my mind, QE 3 was never off the table. I always knew it was a sure thing. It was just a matter of time. But now the Fed came out and surprised a lot of people with its language. It basically said, ‘if we don’t get evidence soon of a sustainable increase in the economy, we’re going to have to take action.’ And of course, the only tool in it’s arsenal is to print money and buy bonds and try to goose the economy with the same monetary stimulus that create the problem. …
Those of you who didn’t buy before the breakout, it’s not to late to buy. The prices are not quite as cheap as they were a week ago or a month ago, but I believe they’re a lot cheaper than they will be a month from now, six months from now, a year from now as more and more investors realize that the recovery was an illusion. It was simply an artificial high created from stimulus and that more stimulus is coming. More investors are going to flock to gold. Click here to watch the full Peter Schiff Video Blog >>>>>>