Sunday, September 16, 2012

Top 14 Reasons To Buy Silver

There is only 1/2 billion oz of silver available for the market at anyone time, we use 1 billion per year. When hyperinflation hits there will be Trillions of dollars chasing those 1/2 billion oz of silver. We could see silver shoot past gold ten fold over night. When the Anglo American silver price suppression scheme ends because the physical demand over runs the shorts silver can go up regardless if there is a hyperinflationary event, that was the example I was making. In hyperinflation industrial demand of silver will stagnate as the monetary demand skyrockets. One way or the other silver will have it's day.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

After QE3 - Buy Silver NOW

Bernanke has announced QE3 to infinity, just as we expected. The silver market is reacting with a huge upswing and rise in the price. Can this silver rally continue? This video explains the physical silver prices in this current situation.

NOW is the Time For SILVER

QE to infinity confirmed. Global COORDINATED QE just as Jim Sinclair warned. We are now entering the end game scenario; hyperinflation and the death of our currency. May God help us.It's been estimated based on 2010 total mining quantity of 750,000 million ounces there is approx 19 years of in the ground Silver left.! ( though it will get more expensive to mine...the harder it gets to find - for silver mines) .. but 2012 silver mining has reached 1 billion oz's..! Recycling could hold for a decade or so.. That's when your silver realises it's true value.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet