Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Jim Rogers: The Gold Price is going to go much Higher over the next decade

Jim Rogers :
I own precious metals because i expect more money printing… i own gold, i am not selling gold, whenever gold goes down i buy more, if it goes down a lot i hope i’m smart enough to buy a lot more because the price is going to go much higher over the next decade.
Politicians around the world are printing a lot of money that’s the wrong thing to do, but that’s what they’re doing and whenever they print money the way to protect yourself is own gold, silver, platinum, palladium, any precious item will protect you in time like that.
- in CNBC

Monday, September 17, 2012

September is the Best month for Gold regardless of QE3

September is the Best month for Gold regardless of QE3 says economist Félix Moreno de la Cova , He states that after a year of consolidation the stage is now set for much higher prices.While it is hard for a value investor to assess gold (because it has no income stream), the very solid historical connection between negative real interest rates and rising gold prices gives us comfort in buying gold. It will be very interesting to see what happens when interest rates start to rise. They also talk about the relationship between the gold price and debt levels.

Chinese Government advises its Citizens to Buy Silver and Gold

Let's face it, why else would a govt want its people to save in gold? The Chinese govt have been advising the people of China to buy gold, even going so far as to produce television programs explaining the benefits and logistics of doing so. China has introduced its first-ever investment opportunity for silver bullion. The bars are available in 500 grams, 1 kilogram, 2 kilograms and 5 kilograms with a purity of 99.9 percent.

Today the Federal Reserve announced QE3 (massive money printing round three) and precious metals skyrocketed! Currently, QE3 means QE to INFINITY, because the Fed didn't announce an end date. Stay tuned to here Chris Duane's perspective on QE3, and how this all effects you. Also, Duane shares his recently battle with the US Congress when he took part in the final Congressional hearing of Ron Paul's career as a US Representative.In These Uncertain Economic Times Many Are Considering The Safety Of Gold & Silver. Why To Invest, Where To Buy, And How To Predict Prices. You Could Save Thousands For Just Over Twenty Bucks Did you know certain forms of gold and silver are more PURE? Learn a simple strategy which could offer ENHANCED profits Get the BEST deal -- prices can vary greatly Find the HIDDEN value of buying gold and silver from government mints Financial crisis threaten your savings How to buy at discounted prices Protect yourself from scams, tricks & bad deals How to evaluate where gold and silver prices are headed Where you should look and how to negotiate for the best deals Where and when you should sell Historical Importance of gold and silver: Pharaohs, Royalty and Wars over Gold!

Top 14 Reasons To Buy Silver Full Version

Silver was Money for thousands of years. Vanishing resource. Value increases. No need to complicate things.We presently have only 1/2 billion oz of silver available for the market at anyone time, we use 1 billion per year. When hyperinflation hits there will be Trillions of dollars chasing those 1/2 billion oz of silver. We could see silver shoot past gold ten fold over night.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Jim Rogers : Silver Better Investment Than Gold (SLV, SIL, SLW, GLD)

Jim Rogers prefers the white metal over Gold right now because Silver prices are about 40% below their highs, while gold prices are 10% or 15% below all-time highs. "But I'm not selling any gold. If it goes down I hope I'm smart enough to buy more. If it goes down a lot I hope I'm smart enough to buy a lot," Rogers said.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Top 14 Reasons To Buy Silver

There is only 1/2 billion oz of silver available for the market at anyone time, we use 1 billion per year. When hyperinflation hits there will be Trillions of dollars chasing those 1/2 billion oz of silver. We could see silver shoot past gold ten fold over night. When the Anglo American silver price suppression scheme ends because the physical demand over runs the shorts silver can go up regardless if there is a hyperinflationary event, that was the example I was making. In hyperinflation industrial demand of silver will stagnate as the monetary demand skyrockets. One way or the other silver will have it's day.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

After QE3 - Buy Silver NOW

Bernanke has announced QE3 to infinity, just as we expected. The silver market is reacting with a huge upswing and rise in the price. Can this silver rally continue? This video explains the physical silver prices in this current situation.

NOW is the Time For SILVER

QE to infinity confirmed. Global COORDINATED QE just as Jim Sinclair warned. We are now entering the end game scenario; hyperinflation and the death of our currency. May God help us.It's been estimated based on 2010 total mining quantity of 750,000 million ounces there is approx 19 years of in the ground Silver left.! ( though it will get more expensive to mine...the harder it gets to find - for silver mines) .. but 2012 silver mining has reached 1 billion oz's..! Recycling could hold for a decade or so.. That's when your silver realises it's true value.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Friday, September 14, 2012

The New Dragon Silver Coin

The price of silver should be in the hundreds of dollars per ounce, but it is $34, thats why I buy silver. If silver was $300 per ounce, I would not be buying it. At $34, its a insane low price. When the silver supply gets low in the coming years, we will see fair market value, and it will be very high priced.

The new Dragon coin released. The coin will retail for just over $100, will sell out within 24 hours and will INSTANTLY be worth over $150. I have been buying and every dragon coin on their release date and have pulled in over $200 per coin.

Bullion Bank Run Imminent - Bill Murphy

If this infinite quantitative easing 40 billion a month program does not work, then i think the government is going to start taking the gold from the rich , so that they don't hoard it like in 1933 , they will seize it because if the economy is not stimulated by extra money then that means that the money is being hoarded and it wont be allowed to take the effects the FED wants, so they will enact measures to keep it from being hoarded.....

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Gold & Silver Rally after QE3 Announcement by The FED

Gold and Silver prices rallied after FED's chairman Ben Bernanke announced a new plan to purchase up to $40 billion a month of agency mortgage-backed securities, and they also announced an extension of their Operation Twist. This is the third round of bond purchases or quantitative easing from the Fed, known as QE3. Gold and silver surged on the news, silver 4% and gold 2% within an hour.The ponzi scheme is alive and well. The Federal reserve buy mortgage based toxic assets( think sub-prime mortgage fiasco) and the US taxpayer pays for it.The National debt increases and the economy continues to flounder. The Wall Street banks rid themselves of their toxic derivatives and the people hold these worthless bonds. The Dow Jones rose by 200 points on the announcement. When will the people wake up to what is going on? The Wall Street banks are laughing, literally all the way to the bank.Gold and silver are the essence and basis of wealth as these metals cannot be man-made economically ,Buy gold and silver for your own sake .

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How to Buy Silver Bullion ?

The amount of reported "found" gold on this planet can only fill an Olympic size pool say, 16 ft high? that`s not a lot. Because all fiat money will be reduced to ZERO value soon (because that is the logical conclusion of just printing money, and basing money on debt instead of value). When that happens, commodities like gold and silver will kick in as the de facto money. Gold and silver are the best options for commodity money.

Why Buy Bullion

Why buy bullion? Scott Hunt, president of Jack Hunt Gold & Silver, a nationally-recognized leader in buying and selling gold and silver, discusses the merits of purchasing gold and silver bullion.All fiat money will be reduced to ZERO value soon (because that is the logical conclusion of just printing money, and basing money on debt instead of value). When that happens, commodities like gold and silver will kick in as the de facto money. Gold and silver are the best options for commodity money.

Silver: Supply and Demand

The amount of silver available for investment every year from mining is less then 500 million oz.500. That is about 14+ billion worth. A handful of billionaires can easily grab that up. PM prices won't go anywhere until cash is trash and it's just a matter of time. Bankers are throwing everything they can to keep this ponzi scheme going... and they are quickly running out of ideas. Nothing today would surprise me.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Gold Standard - September 11th, 2012

The US was BARELY under the gold standard for some 20 years , we were on the SILVER standard for most of our history. Because it was easier to get. It was based on the spanish economic model the NAME dollar is based on a silver mine in the czech republic the original american dollar was based on Spanish pieces of silver eight. Thats what the $ means Spanish Peso

The Gold Standard with Brian Baker is a national radio show that can be heard daily, Monday thru Friday, on radio stations across America. On today's show, are gold prices about to break loose? Brian covers why this week's FOMC announcement is so significant for investors. Plus, remembering 9/11

$100 SILVER SOON - Bill Murphy

$100 SILVER SOON, JP Morgan SCANDAL: the SECRET Is OUT - Bill Murphy GATA chairman : I am in the same boat. He's been a cheerleader for a long time. He does seem to be right so far about the August/September move, but cautious, skeptical optimism is warranted. If the JP Morgan manipulation breaks as he says, his credibility will skyrocket! SHORTAGES should be a good indicator of manipulation in the PM markets. Even though manipulation CREATES panic and less confidence in metals, shortages would indicate that the paper price is not consistent with the physical price. The case for manipulation is compelling to me, given the ease of doing it and the fact that gold has been manipulated before.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Monday, September 10, 2012

Putin of Russia Invests Billions In Gold

After George Soros who has recently invested hundreds of millions in Gold here is Putin of Russia investing Billions in physical Gold : "According to the World Gold Council, Russia has more than doubled its gold reserves in the past five years. Putin has taken advantage of the financial crisis to build the world’s fifth-biggest gold pile in a handful of years, and is buying about half a billion dollars’ worth every month. " says Marketwatch ....Soros, Putin, and other big players with savy are putting their money into tangibles worth something. Physical gold and/or silver is a hedge against hyper-inflation. If you’re in the stock market, you are either crazy or you’ve got inside information. The collapse looms near, be careful which “experts” you listen to.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gold is Nature's Currency - It Cannot be Printed - Matt McLennan

Matt McLennan is First Eagle Global Fund Portfolio Manager. He is Head of Global Value Team. This is a brilliant video.
"Ultimately what moves the needle for Gold is the perception that the discipline around sovereign paper is declining. More importantly than the action of central banks is the question of SOLVENCY. What does paper money then? That's a bigger question. You get confronted with very difficult choices. Either fiscal adjustment which is deflationary, do you print money in unconventional ways...or do you try to tighten fiscal policy at the margin, that could be quite inflationary in the medium-term [Wow] We have about 10 per cent of our portfolio in gold bullion and gold equities. It is a long-term monetary reserve"
[How closely do you monitor the supply and demand of Gold?]
"Supply and demand are irrelevant. Gold is the one commodity that lasts forever. The real supply of Gold is the cumulative stock of Gold ever mined. One year's mining supply is less than 2 per cent of the true supply of gold. No other commodity is as stable because every other commodity is produced for use. So there is no value to monitoring the short-term supply for gold. Ultimately the supply is all the Gold that has ever been mined"
{Beautiful - that's it right there - You need to measure the total Gold stock across the whole world. Then compare that against the total stock of dollars being debased / reflated by the Federal Reserve and global central banks. That's the forecasting model for inflation and deflation against the one true value ruler of Gold now in the form of true currency.}

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bob Chapman On The Tungsten Gold Bars

Bob Chapman On The Tungsten Gold Bars

Bob Chapman returns on the Tungsten Gold plated bars scandal after a German TV have found a Tungsten bar sold as gold and professionally counterfeited , Bob Chapman advises against Gold bars if you are not able to check them out very carefully , he prefers coins to bars
German ProSieben TV Channel Finds 500 Gram Tungsten Bar At W.C.Heraeus Gold Foundry With Bank Origin
From my estimate, 500 grams (or about 17.63 ounces) of gold at spot should be about $20,000 (US) instead of just over $20 (US) that Tungsten would be worth. That’s quite a rip-off.
Tyler Durden
March 2, 2010
German TV station ProSieben finds what appears to be some evocative proof of gold counterfeiting, in the form of tungsten gold substitutes coming to the W.C.Heraeus foundry, which is the world’s largest privately-owned precious metals refiner and fabricator, located in Hanau, Germany. The foundry has isolated at least one 500-gram tungsten bar due for melting, originating from a (so far) unnamed bank, which as the head of the foundry stated made the unpleasant discovery that “not all the glitters is gold.”

Gold Back in a Big Way After $130 Million Purchase by Soros

He’s buying the ETF instead of physical gold. The ETF does not carry with it any “right” to exchange it for gold, and some doubt if the fund that holds it even has much physical gold. I could be wrong but I think this ETF is run by J.P. Morgan. When the banks collapse, I think it’s a given the market will collapse as well. Won’t that leave him out in left field with all that paper? I could care less what happens to the POS George Soros, but I would have thought someone who knows the markets like he does would be in physical gold and not what amounts to another fiat. The massive investment in GLD indicates that he is betting on an overall downturn in the stock market. We might see something similar to 2008. Which would create another period of great buying opportunities. But what might be in play here are GRA’s. If Obama confiscates all public and private retirement accounts, Soros has positioned his investments in stocks that offer some protection against resulting losses. Such a confiscation of wealth could also trigger massive civil unrest. If you’re not familiar with Obama’s GRA plan, I recommend researching it.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Top 14 Reasons To Buy Silver

When the Anglo American silver price suppression scheme ends because the physical demand over runs the shorts silver can go up regardless if there is a hyperinflationary event, that was the example I was making. In hyperinflation industrial demand of silver will stagnate as the monetary demand skyrockets. One way or the other silver will have it's day.Those investing in bullion will also be investing in a means to protect it. No! It is not going to be pretty. The crooks in charge have made it this way. That is what they want. If you're like me, then every last fake dollar is going somewhere today. You just have to take some of that money that you're wasting (and yes, you have to buckle down and discipline yourself) and buy something tangible. I groaned for a bit too, but it's called taking responsibility for yourself. Do it, You can!

Bill Murphy : Silver Delivery Problems Expected

Bill Murphy blowing the lid off of all this BS as usual. He's been saying this since the day before forever.....but of course, you can't have that kind of talk on other networks like cnbc & Co ...that's OK..more gold and silver for us to buy before this whole thing comes crashing down .Thanks Mr. Murphy for your being steadfast with the cause. Before you were swept under a you are here, and finally being heard. Your hard work has finally paid off, and with truth there will be light.....or should I say flight, to and silver. Fiat is farts in the wind........I`m glad I can see the light.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Marc Faber : 25% of my Assets are in Gold

Marc Faber : “I have roughly 25% of my assets in gold. I buy every month, and I will never, ever sell it as long as people such as Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Obama, Biden, Bernanke, and Marc Faber : “I have roughly 25% of my assets in goldGeithner are in government. I will never sell it. Never." - in businessinsider

Printing Money Has Stopped Working

They technically do not print the physical money. They just "lend" it out ( or at rates so low they just give it for free ) through digital accounts for banks. It doesn't matter if they don't print the actual dollar they still increase the money supply with digital dollars. Besides physical paper dollars only account for a single-digit percent (conservative estimation) of the total US dollar money supply.

The Great Silver Market Myth

As an addendum. All the gold ever mined divided by the population of the world equates to approx 0.75ozt each, similarly small amounts to silver. . "The World Is Out of Silver In Industrial Quantities" will come with a BOOM!, not a whisper. Most users, etc. are in denial because unlimited paper silver supply is truly unlimited. As well as futures. Want to buy a trillion ozs silver from me in IOU form (aka stock symbol SLV) write me for my PayPal account! I sell paper silver BELOW spot price! What a deal. THE END OF SILVER in qty will hit high technology like a bomb. Few believe this. Believe it. Truth is hard to swallow.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Donald Trump : Great Time to Buy a House

Donald Trump : " I can see it. people are not doing well. the economy is not doing well. the banks are heavily regulated and being demanded, they're not able to make deals, and frankly, you know, the banks have not behaved very well because they haven't been loaning out money but the regulation is so stringent and so tough that it makes it very hard to get the economy going and you can't get the economy going unless the banks are going to get going."
" except in places like Miami or Manhattan in new york which is phenomenal or a couple of other places it's been terrible and the housing market continues to be table. people are not able to get financing to buy a house and that's a situation that has to be taken care of, whether it's overregulation or the banks not behaving, people are unable to get financing and even if they have great credit ratings they have to put up 50%. in the old days you had a good credit rating, you get a good loan. they're putting up so much money and so much equity. this is a great time and I've been saying it for a while for the most part a great time to buy a house, a great time.|"

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

$2500 Gold Means War - Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts--$2500 Gold Means War : Former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush Catherine Austin Fitts blows the whistle on how the financial terrorists have deliberately imploded the US economy and transferred gargantuan amounts of wealth offshore as a means of sacrificing the American middle class. Fitts documents how trillions of dollars went missing from government coffers in the 90's and how she was personally targeted for exposing the fraud.

Monday, September 3, 2012

How to Buy Gold. How to Buy Silver. What to Buy?

The ammount of reported "found" gold on this planet can only fill an olympic size pool say, 16 ft high? that`s not alot. Everybody & their mother is buying gold like crazy. Mostly certificates. Now, How is it, with ALL the big shot investors in the world, there are any scraps for us to buy, EVER? Something smells. Why is gold being used to plate cheap cosmetic jewlry & such if it is soooo valueable? Gold may make u money today, but has no value. Only consumables. Gold is basically being used as just another way to make, and take money from other people. A few days ago a billionaire named george soros just sold off $800,000,000 in gold for cash, that will oversaturate the market with gold and make what gold is worth right now, worth less. It's nothing more than manipulation of the price(availability) of gold. Time for everyone to jump off this sinking boat and invest their time and efforts into real products.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Robert Kiyosaki : I use Debt instead of Money

Robert Kiyosaki on Goldseek radio 28 August 2012 : I use Debt instead of Money , I don't go for capital gain , I buy for cash flow , we have this baby boom generation 80 million strong and ninety percent of them don't have money the government just cannot afford to pay for their social security and medicare , I don't look at house as an asset I look at a house as how much income can I get from it , gold and silver are real money , Robert Kiyosaki like silver in particular because it is a metal used in electronics so the more electronics we get the more silver we will need , Kiyosaki recommends looking at the demographics especially the baby boom generation which he calls baby bust generation

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Buy Silver NOW !!! The Single Best Investment.

You silver bulls better hold on to your hats (I'm one myself). Silver is about to go through the roof!! I've been a silver trader for years now, and I have never seen the charts line up like they are now. You are about to see silver run up to $75 to $125 per ounce sometime in t5he near future. The moment we have been waiting for is on the horizon...

Just a quick reference you may be interested in looking at before you start investing in silver bullion of your own. Video may have been created in 2008 but fundamentals all the same and comments are always keeping this video up to par with events unfolding today. Here is the list of people I follow: Ted Butler, Michael Maloney (will study anything and everything that this man writes or says), Jim Rogers, Peter Schiff, David Morgan.There are many, many different types of silver than can be ordered. Everything from standard coins to fractional rounds and bars have found their way onto the marketplace, making it easy for virtually anyone to own precious metals. There is a fairly common misconception that only the wealthy can afford to own metals, be it silver, gold, or otherwise. While this may appear to be true, it is certainly not the reality. The truth is that metals, and silver in particular, are actually more than affordable. Even if you do not want to buy several ounces at a time, there are innumerable ounce and fractional sized pieces that are available. Coins are the most well known form of silver. Even if you do not invest in or collect silver at all, there is a decent chance that you have owned a coin at some point in your life. Maybe a family member handed down some Silver Eagles from years past. Perhaps you have received some coins or bullion as a gift. Whatever the case may be, silver is one of the most common acquisitions that any person can make, and that is with good value. Not only are coins a good gift, but they will also more than retain their value.

Jim Rogers : Gold & Silver are Undervalued

Jim Rogers : "Silver is about 40% below its all-time high, and Gold is 10% or 15% below its all-time high," - in mineweb

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Silver? How About Gold? - Gold is Up 600% Since 2002.

Gold is becoming increasingly popular with INVESTORS and COUNTRIES here are the top 3 reasons why:

1. Paper Currencies Fail
2. Countries Are Buying Gold
3. Billionaires Are Buying Gold When I buy my gold I buy it in gold sovereign coins because they’re tied to the English monetary system and because they’ve never been subject to capital gains tax or VAT. Last sovereigns I bought I got from Braystone Bullion (Google) just because prices/delivery options are usually the best. I do live in the UK though. PLUS, if there’s another apocalyptic financial meltdown, bullion (and Krugerrand) have been confiscated by certain governments in the past! Just my opinion

Bob Chapman : These are the only 4 Gold Stocks I Recommend

Bob Chapman : Well, I recommend four stocks, Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. (NYSE:AEM; TSX:AEM), Goldcorp Inc. (NYSE:GG; TSX:G), Silver Standard Resources Inc. (TSX:SSO; NASDAQ:SSRI) and Minefinders Corporation (TSX:MFL; NYSE:MFN). That's it. If people want to speculate, that's fine.

Peter Schiff : The Gold Standard forced the government to responsibly confront irresponsible fiscal policy

Peter Schiff : "The gold standard forced the government to responsibly confront irresponsible fiscal policy. At first Nixon tried devaluation, but the amounts were far too small to stop the gold drain. As an escape hatch, he instead abandoned the gold standard (although he said that the move was temporary). Without this “relic”, government could continue to finance its spending with ever larger deficits without losing any more gold. So instead of devaluation or deflation, we chose inflation instead. Many consider the impossibility of running perpetual deficits under the gold standard as proof of its unsuitability to the modern economy. As I see it, this is precisely why the gold standard is so desirable and so badly needed today."

Monday, August 27, 2012

Rare coin sells for $410,000

AN EXTREMELY rare, 1813 Australian coin with a hole in it has sold for a record $410,000 at a Melbourne auction. A private collector bought the Hannibal Head Holey Dollar, which was shaped in New South Wales from a silver dollar minted in Peru in 1810. The coin was the only privately owned version; the only other is housed in the State Library of New South Wales. Its highest previous recorded auction price was $270,950 in 2008. The coin's shape came about when Governor Lachlan Macquarie, amid an acute colonial coin shortage, acquired 40,000 Spanish silver dollars. He enlisted the convicted forger William Henshall to cut a hole in the centre of each and stamp the doughnut with ''New South Wales'', the value five shillings and the date 1813. Read more>>>>

Silver hits 16-week high on stimulus hopes

It’s not too late to buy silver, but this train is leaving the station... So you better get moving very soon if you want a piece of the surge that’s coming in silver. Gold surged to a 16-week high of $1,667 and silver passed $30 an ounce as speculation mounted about a new stimulus package from the Federal Reserve and the prospect of similar actions by all the global central banks this autumn what is going on the euro, many countries are giving the gold. silver is an extreme and interesting metal. precious metal. remarkable industrial metal. The ECB lends cash to banks to buy European Sovereign Debt at a 1% interest rate. This is not as direct or pronounced as what the FED or the BOE do, but it is essentially the same thing. if enough people buy up the physical it will shift the power to the people instead of the banks. silver shorts show the real value of your fiat currency. if it wasn't for everyone buying mf global wouldn't have been shorted, don't stop there bring it to jpmorgan too!

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Return to the Gold Standard ?

The Gold Standard has returned to mainstream U.S. politics for the first time in 30 years, with a “gold commission” set to become part of official Republican party policy. Talk of a gold standard is back in focus in politics for the first time in three decades. The U.S. Republican Party will call next week for a commission to examine the possibility of returning the American currency to the gold standard .Rep. Ron Paul, (R-TX), weighs in.