Monday, December 3, 2012

Eric Sprott Buys 9 Million Ounces, QE4 Announcement, Silver Inflation Correlation, Bailout Fund

Silver & Gold News for Sunday, December 2nd. including Eric Sprott, QE4, Stories such as: Sprott - We Will Go Public If They Don't Send Us Our Silver Inflation is a rise in the money supply not rising prices. Silver and gold are simply reflecting the drop in purchasing power of the dollar. With all the Worthless funny money the Fed is creating gold and silver are going much, much higher.

$600 Silver and Global coastal event predict Webbots + coin used to make Colloidal silver

The world's purest silver coin, the silver Canadian Maple leaf coins are 10 TIMES more PURE than American Silver Eagles and are same purity used to make the immune Boosting drink/solution called Colloidal Silver. Get out and buy some now!

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Great Silver Market Myth!

Just wait for all those sessions of quantitative easing to kick in down the road. That will jack up the price of goods/services (inflation) even more. Once all that freshly printed money is floating around it doesn't take much to realize that the price of things has to go up. let them print all they want as you stack your real wealth my friend :)