Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jim Rogers: Gold has had only one decline over 30 percent in those 12 years. That, too, is extremely unusual

Jim Rogers: I own gold and I own silver. I own all the precious metals, especially gold and silver. I'm not sure I would buy right now. Gold has gone up 12 years in a row, which is extremely unusual for any asset, at least in my experience. I don't know any asset that's gone up 12 years without a down year except gold. Gold has had only one decline over 30 percent in those 12 years. That, too, is extremely unusual. Plus, if you look at the open interest from the CFTC, the speculators have been piling into gold. The number of call options is more than twice the put options. All the signs are that there's too much speculation in gold right now. I'm not selling, by any stretch. I own it. If it goes down, I'll buy more. If America bombs Iran, I'll probably buy more going up. But I own it and, over the longer term, gold is going to go much higher because the world is doing nothing but printing money. And when the world economies get bad again, they're going to print even more money. But I'm not buying now.

Jim Rogers: On a historic basis, silver is cheaper than gold

Jim Rogers: On a historic basis, silver is cheaper than gold. Gold is down 10 or 15 percent from its all-time high. Silver is down 30 or 40 percent. So I guess I'd rather buy silver than gold. I'm buying neither at the moment. But if I had to, I'd probably buy silver today rather than gold. But again, I'm not buying or selling either.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jim Rogers : Gold Correction may not be Over Yet - Be Cautious

Jim Rogers turned cautious about Gold in a recent CNBC interview "Just be careful, there're too many bulls, including me, but I'm very cautious," Rogers told CNBC. "Gold is having a correction— it's been correcting for 15-16 months now— which is normal in my view, and it's possible that [the] correction is going to continue for a while longer.""Most things correct 30 percent every year or two, even in big bull markets – 30 percent corrections are normal and yet gold has only done that once in the past 12 years," Rogers said. "Gold on any kind of historic market basis is overdue for a nice correction.""India's got a big balance of trade deficit – some Indian politicians are starting to blame it on gold," Rogers said. "[If they] figure out a way to cut or crimp imports of gold – if something like that happens, that will be a big shock to all those bulls on gold and who knows how low it can go.""If gold goes down – I hope I'm smart enough to buy more. If it goes down a lot, I hope I'm smart enough to buy a lot more," he said.