Friday, January 18, 2013

$300,000 Gold Nugget Found in Australia

Hi, I'm trying to decide between getting a Pulse detector and a Gold Bug II (Also there is the new "Gold Bug Pro" I think it's called - is that better than the "Gold Bug II"? - They are still available on eBay). I like gold detecting but not sure exactly where - in the water or on the ground - I don't mind digging

Silver You Can't Buy It Now!

Drying up! Do not be fooled, they have the silver, they just ain't selling it anymore. Soon if you can buy it you will not be able to afford it!

M70 Silver Eagle Coins - What are the real advantages..?

What are the advantages of buying M70 Silver Eagle coins over normal Silver Eagle coins..? Discover how to start your own online coin shop and start receiving FREE M70 Silver Coins through your mailbox each month.