Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kiyosaki ‏: Easy Money & Entitlement makes you weak

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Easy money can make you weak. Entitlement makes you weak. People are looking to strengthen their spirit not weaken it.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Kiyosaki ‏: use your Financial Education to enrich the lives of others too

Robert Kiyosaki ‏: Rather than using your financial education to just make you rich, use your financial education to enrich the lives of others too.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is the story of Robert Kiyosaki's financial education. He had two 'dads' - one his real dad, who was poor, and the other, his best friend's dad, who was on his way to becoming a very rich man.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why Did Gold & Silver Collapse? Mike Maloney and Chris Martenson

So Why did silver and gold collapse? Mike Maloney and Chris Martenson describe in detail the main method of gold price suppression. Join our free newsletter list to see the next clip where Mike and Chris discuss Bitcoin
4500 tonnes missing. Venezuela gold repatriation. Germany gold repatriation. 7 year delivery estimates. Fraudulent government accounting. Fractional reserve gold lending. 12.05am 3000 gold contracts dumped in 1 minute. As Mike has said for years, if you don't hold it, you don't own it.